Benefits of E-Learning
4 min read
2019 was the year when everything got changed. This was because of the covid-19. A virus named corona had the world closed. Millions of people lost their lives around the world. Businesses, schools, and everything were shut. Many multi-national companies went in loss which resulted in downsizing. Everyone was limited to their homes. No one was allowed to go out. The most affected region from corona was the western region.
Education was one of the most important things that got affected by covid-19. Due to the lockdown, all the educational institutes were closed. No one knew that corona would last for years. When the world saw that it’s a long-lasting pandemic, the governments and the UN came up with a solution for it. The solution was e-learning. E-learning is a concept of online classes over the internet. You can take your classes online on a platform such as Google teams, Zoom, etc.
Online classes have some advantages for both parents as well as for the students too. Let’s discuss some of them.
1) It Costs You Less:
Digital learning costs you less as compared to physical learning. When you talk about schools, you have the traveling expense, uniform expense, etc. Schools are celebrating some days and ask students to be ready according to it.
2) Less Intensity:
Taking classes physically means you got to show up in the class on time. There’s no space between the periods and you go to remain in the class for the whole day. This is so tiring for students. After school/college, when you are at home you got to complete the assignment and the given projects.
But when you are taking online classes, you don’t go through these issues. You are relaxed. You take classes in your casual clothes or at times when students have a morning class, they are in their sleeping suits. You can take classes anywhere in your house be it your room, dining room, or kitchen.
3) Marking Attendance Becomes Easy:
You can understand how hard it is to show up in the class early in the morning especially if it’s raining; snowing or you miss your school van. If you are late even 5 minutes to the class, you will be marked absent. This affects your annual results/report. But the e-learning has solved this issue. You just have to log in to your portal and you are market present by sitting at your home. A single click has made attendance easier.
4) Enhances Your Discipline:
Taking online classes improves self-discipline. In an online class, you don’t have a teacher to tell you to complete your homework and assignments. None of your friends are there to discuss a topic which is given as an assignment. You got to do everything on your own.
5) Access to Teachers is Easy:
In schools and colleges, access to teachers is hard. Whenever you try to ask questions to your teachers, either they are busy or take your questions for granted. In some cases when a student tries to ask a question in the class, he feels unconfident and is unable to ask the question.
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When you are taking an online class, you can ask as many questions as you want without being unconfident. You can directly ask them to live, message them in the chatbox or you can email them.
6) Location Doesn’t Matter:
One of the best advantages of e-learning is location doesn’t matter. You can take admission to any university in the world. Once you get admission, you can start taking your classes online while being at home. This just requires a computer/laptop with a fast-speed internet connection. Location is no more a barrier in education.
7) Study While Being in Your Comfort Zone:
Comfort is at the top of the list of advantages of online classes. You can take classes while on your bed in your nightdress. Most of the time it happens that you are given a hard project. To get it done you can get assignment help.
8) Variety of Options:
E-learning provides you with a variety of options. You can get admission in any part of the world and once you get into the university you can take online classes while being at home. It doesn’t matter what field you are in, you can always look for your favorite course online.
9) It Becomes Easy to Focus for Students:
Since students are at their homes and there is no one disturbing them. In schools, you talk to your friends, your surrounding are noisy, you see other students playing through your window, etc so it becomes hard to focus in the class. In e-learning, there are no friends, no attention-seeking surroundings so you can easily focus on your studies. You can also wear headphones if you feel like listening to songs during your studies.
10) You Can Hold Onto Your Job:
When you are in physical education, it requires quitting your job because of the time clash. But this is not the case in e-learning. In e-learning, you can keep your job easily along with your classes.
11) Learning Has Become Easy:
With traditional classes, you have to manage your college as well as studying time. E-learning has made it easier for you now. You can Study while being at home.
Online education has made it easier for students to study while being comfortable. Along with the studies, the students also enjoy their space as well.